First WordPress Page!

This is my first WordPress site. There have been a few interesting quirks that I’ve learned. Poking around the user interface has been relatively intuitive. But there were a few stumbling blocks…

  • Picking a Theme. Felt super overwhelming! Their hundreds (or thousands) of themes took a lot of time to go through. Just to then whittle that list down to maybe 30 ish… then pick through that list more… find the top 4 ish… and try to figure out what exactly I like about this one that I don’t like about that one.
  • Default URL. It was really strange seeing that index.php right in the middle of the URL. Getting to explore the permalink features gave me more ideas for the future.
  • Footer Adjustment. Nobody needs to know the exact name of the theme that I used. I felt right at home going through the Theme File Editor and removing that block.
  • Page Placement. Didn’t feel 100% intuitive…at first. However, it eventually made sense to find it nested in the page attributes section.