PHP Yii Job Search
Yii is a very light PHP-based MVC framework. Feel free to view the code from my GitHub Repository:
I used the (mostly) same layout and requirements as what I did for my Ruby app. I noticed key differences between Yii, Ruby and Laravel in the UI. Note the breadcrumbs, default different button colors, and the use of the view, edit, and delete icons at the end of the row.

Navigating into the view of the job sites, I had to manually build what Ruby on Rails automatically built. There are read-only fields on top, with the entry to create new postings and all of the related postings underneath.

Editing the posting is pretty simple, and looks just like editing the job site, except for more fields and layout items.

And I had to get in at least one of the reports. This really highlights the ability to use some basic SQL within the app with a simple join. Yes, these frameworks have an ability to have a bunch of PHP instead of SQL to build a query, which is fine for a simple SELECT statement with a few WHERE clauses. But, when you’re dealing with groups and counts and you don’t know the SQL off-hand and build the SQL within the SQL tool (I’m using HeidiSQL to interact directly with my MariaDB), then you just want to copy and paste the SQL statement from Heidi directly into my Yii code… its just… easier to revert back to that raw SQL.