My Code Projects

Since September 2023, I’ve been developing some tiny apps which are available on GitHub. You can check them out at:

Some of those repositories are just shells of things that I’ve played with. However, a few are full-on mini apps that are useable. Here’s what you’ll find out there:

  • Ruby On Rails Job Search – The first app that I wrote based on the Ruby on Rails framework. I have modeled some of my other apps on this one.
  • PHP Yii Job Search – Second Released app using the PHP Yii Framework. Feature set focuses on just opportunity tracking.
  • PHP Laravel React Job Search – Third Released app using the PHP Laravel Framework. Instead of using the built-in Laravel Blade templates, the front end is done using React. Feature set focuses on just opportunity tracking.
  • Python Django React Job Search – Based on the original Ruby on Rails application, the Django release features job sites, job postings, and opportunity tracking. It also has a dashboard with current statistics and active items along with dynamic reports. This version also includes multi-user support with full user authentication and security.